TIU-MicroPACK – Microduct Bundles
TIÚ-Plast a.s. is a top manufacturer of microducts for wide use in telecommunication networks. Our microducts are designed for optimal performance, reliability, and easy installation. The wall thickness of the tubes, the thickness of the HDPE jacket, and the type of material used allows direct installation = "Direct Burial" (DB), no additional protective pipe is required. The HDPE casing fits tightly to the microduct bundle but is not connected to the tubes. Our TIU-MicroPACK HDPE duct bundles are used by operators all over Europe. With us, you get an innovative and quality solution for efficient and trouble-free bundle installation.

Using TIU-MicroPACK Microduct Bundles
TIU-MicroPACK Bundles are used for the installation of optical fibers in telecommunication networks. These thin and flexible ducts are used to protect and house optical fibers. TIU-MicroPACK Bundles allow for easy and quick installation of fiber optic cables, making them an ideal choice for connecting various points in a telecommunications network, including homes, businesses, and public buildings. Due to their flexibility, TIU-MicroPACK Bundles are suitable for installation in hard-to-reach environments such as underground ducts or ducts along roads. They are a key element for efficient and reliable transmission of optical signals in modern telecommunications networks.

Properties of TIU-MicroPACK
TIU-MicroPACK bundles are made of prime HDPE material with a material quality certificate from the primary manufacturer. The minimum thickness of the HDPE jacket is 0.8 mm.
The microducts in the bundles have a smooth or grooved inner wall with a special permanent LF (Low Friction) layer that facilitates the installation of optical microcables. The outer surface of the bundle tube and sheath is also smooth.
The color of the HDPE microtubing and the bundle sheath can be in a natural translucent version or the required RAL shade. Longitudinal strips in the desired shade can also be placed on the microtubes and the bundle.

Safety of TIU-MicroPACK Bundles
TIU-MicroPACK bundles do not contain hazardous chemicals or mixtures (Chemical Act No. 350/2011 Coll.). They are also free of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB (polybrominated biphenyls), and PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) compounds (EU Directive 2002/95 - RoHS).

TIU-MicroPACK standards
All TIU-MicroPACK Microtube Bundles comply with EN 60 974-1-2: "Optical cables-Part 1-2: Tribal specifications-Basic test procedures for test cables"

TIU-MicroPACK Bundle options
TIU-MicroPACK Bundles can be produced in HDPE, LSOH, or combined (HDPE microducts, LSOH jacket). We have experience with combined bundles made of different diameters of microducts.
assignmentThe technical specification of your desired type is available on the request.
You can contact the sales department if you are interested:
Jitka Pšánská
Sales manager
phone_android+420 602 472 061
phone+420 322 312 256
Michaela Hložková
Sales asistant
phone_android+420 720 943 080
phone+420 322 312 265