BOZPToday, 28 April, is World Day for Safety and Health at Work. It was proclaimed in 2003 by the International Labour Organisation. This day belongs to the victims of occupational accidents and diseases, and that is why we at TIÚ-PLAST a.s. decided to support this important day.

When working in a manufacturing company like ours, it is necessary to think about health protection every day. We observe a set of measures (technical, organizational and educational) by which our company eliminates the emergence of potential risks in the workplace, both for our employees and for other individuals, such as our business partners, who may be on our company premises. We believe that the prevention of potential risks and the elimination of potential workplace accidents are of primary importance.

We continuously inspect our individual workplaces and monitor processes and tasks so that the activities our employees perform at their workplaces are in compliance with OHS. Employees are also regularly trained annually by an OHS and fire protection expert. We also have regular training courses, e.g. for forklift truck operators, bindery operators, etc., which are also very closely related to occupational safety.

The employees of TIÚ-Plast a.s. regularly purchase decent and protective work clothes, tools and also hygienic and cleaning products, e.g. soaps, creams, towels, etc. In short, we create conditions to reduce the probability of danger or damage to human health in our company to a minimum.

In these phorographs you can see the preparation for work in two interesting departments in our company. Working in these departments requires protective equipment for the face, ears, hands and sometimes the whole body.




Ochrana proti hluku a odletujícícm kouskům plastu


Ochrana proti jemnému prachu při míchání směsí